Healthcare Waste Services – NHS East Anglian Waste Consortium
Healthcare Waste Services – NHS East Anglian Waste Consortium
Background | NOE CPC was selected to provide procurement support to the NHS East Anglia Waste Consortia to access the healthcare waste market and establish a five plus two year agreement for their clinical waste services with an estimated value of £3m over the initial contract period. The East Anglia Waste Consortia comprises five trusts: |
NOE CPC Solution | The competitive tender was undertaken as a Further Competition under Lot 1 of the NOE CPC framework agreement for Healthcare Waste Services with activities to include handling, storing, segregation, transportation, treating and disposal of a range of healthcare waste streams in compliance with all relevant regulatory, statutory legislation, and other standards. |
Outcome | The project delivered a collaborative approach to the market by the five participating Trusts which provided the opportunity to save costs, deliver economies of scale and value for money for both service delivery and service costs. Additional value added benefits delivered included the standardisation in service, costs and the overall approach to contract management across the Consortia. The Consortia took the opportunity to enhance the current service schedule and bin profile in order to deliver additional efficiency benefits across the Trusts. Financial savings achieved across the Consortia were in the region of £79k per annum accounting for an overall 11% saving. |