
Help us to meet the challenge
The ‘Carter Report’ into Operational Productivity of NHS Providers (June 2015) highlighted the complexity and scale of the efficiency challenge facing the NHS. New and existing suppliers have a real opportunity to help us meet this challenge working together to innovate, rationalise and do things differently.
You can help us to make a difference by considering how your product or service can:
- Support the NHS to improve service delivery
- Save time or money for the NHS
- Support the NHS to improve the efficiency of healthcare service delivery
- Improve patient experience
- Enhance clinical outcomes
- Reduce physical waste and/or eliminate wasted time and effort
- Help the NHS become a better and more informed customer
- Adopt improved ways of working, that are scalable across the NHS
- Share best practice.
Building successful relationships
Our procurement team meets regularly with our suppliers to ensure that the products and services they provide are compliant with our policies and guidelines. This also gives us the opportunity to share knowledge, expertise and market innovation and look for further ways to improve how we work together for the benefit of our customers.
We aim to use a diverse range of suppliers and recognise that working with smaller local suppliers, social enterprises and third sector organisations makes good business sense. NOE CPC wants our suppliers to continually improve their performance and deliver value for money to the NHS. We engage with them throughout the relationship, looking at the economic, social and environmental impacts of the services and products they supply to identify areas for improvement. By improving their credentials they can become more competitive when trying to secure new work with us for the benefit of our customers and the broader NHS.
NHS finance explained: How money flows in the NHS 2023
One NHS Finance has created the below animation to provide an overview of the structure of the NHS in England and describes how the money flows.