Guide to submitting MI Online (MIO)

How to submit MI Online spending data

By using our MI Online tool suppliers can fulfil their contractual requirement to submit data for any sales made on NOE CPC frameworks, or make a nil return if no sales have been made.

The frequency of these submissions will have been agreed with the framework lead prior to go-live.

Suppliers are sent periodic reminders before the submission deadline as well as automated chase emails if no submission has been made. Watch our video guide to get started. 


What is MI Online?

Management Information (MI) is the collection, analysis, and presentation of data related to customer purchasing activity with awarded framework suppliers. 

MI Online (MIO), is a bespoke platform developed by NOE CPC to collect this data from our awarded suppliers. Suppliers are contractually required to provide this information.

The frequency of which these submissions are required will vary depending on the framework agreement but will be confirmed by the framework lead before go-live.

Suppliers are sent periodic reminders before the submission deadline, as well as automated chase emails if no submission has been made.

Why do I have to submit my data this way?

This system has been developed to ensure data accuracy and consistency. Helping to streamline procurement processes and giving suppliers a transparent and effective way to communicate their activity with us. 

What happens to the data?

The data collected is utilised to generate Supplier Performance Reports (SPR), which are interactive dashboards showcasing supplier performance against key metrics. This information aids our procurement team in understanding purchasing patterns, including the types and volumes of goods and services procured, and identifying trends or irregularities. Additionally, it helps monitor savings from framework agreements and informs Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) activity, and calculates the Activity Based Income (ABI) suppliers owe our organisation.

The insights gained are crucial for strategic sourcing, enabling informed decisions on future frameworks and procurement to ensure the best value for NHS and public sector organisations. Moreover, this data contributes to national reporting, enhancing the overall NHS spending profile and shaping the future of healthcare procurement.

How secure is this platform? 

The platform is protected by Secure Logins and Microsoft Azure architecture.

New User accounts must be approved by a member of NOE CPC's technical team before they can access the system. We check the registered email address is valid for the Company selected, so that only verified users can submit and view data for a company.

Users can only see information associated with the Company that their account is registered with. Users from other Companies will not be able to see your data, and vice versa.

Why do we have to submit nil returns? 

To make sure we have a full and accurate audit of framework activity, suppliers are required to report if they have not made any sales on the framework — a "nil return".

If there is no sales data submitted for a period, that could mean:

  • there were no sales made in that period
  • or, there were sales, but they have not been reported to us.

By reporting nil returns, suppliers can help us save time by not having to chase missing submissions or unpaid ABI.

Get started now by accessing our MI Online portal here.

If you have any questions or require any other information about our MIO platform, please contact our support desk at