Q: What is a framework?

A 'framework agreement' is 'an agreement between one or more contracting authorities and one or more economic operators, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, regarding price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged.

Q: What is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)?

A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is unlike a traditional framework for the supply of goods, works, or services. A DPS is an electronic system that suppliers can join at any time.

An 'open market' solution, a DPS is designed to give buyers access to a pool of pre-qualified suppliers. Usually set up by central purchasing bodies, such as NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative NOE CPC, the DPS is available for use by the public sector.

A DPS can be divided into categories of works, services, or goods, known as Lots, which may specify contract size or the geographical area of contract delivery. Suppliers can apply to be listed on single or multiple lots within a DPS.

Q: What is the difference between a framework agreement and a contract?

A framework is generally seen as an overarching agreement between buying and supplying parties that outlines the principles under which contracts can be placed. Whereas a contract is a commitment between a buyer and a supplier for the provision of, and payment for, goods and services (or works).

Q: How does a supplier become a part of a framework?

When a new framework is created, a tender process is run to invite suppliers to bid. An open tender procedure means any supplier can bid. Whereas with a closed tender, only selected suppliers are invited. Current tenders can be found at (find a tender).

Alternatively, there are Dynamic Purchasing Systems or DPS. This means that suppliers can join at any time during the duration of the contract.

Q: How can we become a supplier to the NOE CPC?

By Public Contract Regulations, we conduct all our tendering activities via the Atamis Health Family eTendering system. We would strongly recommend that suppliers create an account on Atamis here: https://atamis-1928.my.site.com/s/Welcome to submit a response to any of our published tenders.

In addition, you should be able to find current tender opportunities on the Government Contracts Finder tender notification portal. This service is used to advertise all current high-value tender opportunities open across the public sector. It will also provide links to the appropriate tender portal to bid: https://www.gov.uk/contracts-finder

Q: Can we join an existing framework?

For most of our framework agreements, it is not possible to join one that has concluded the tendering procedure. Suppliers wishing to join such a framework will need to wait under we renew the framework and go back out to tender. However, there are a small number of frameworks that allow for suppliers to submit a response to join the agreements. For more information, please contact our Support Desk at enquries@noecpc.nhs.uk