Supplier Training - Creating a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP)




2:00pm - 3:00pm


Online via Microsoft Teams.

Please make a note of the date and time of the event in your calendar, delegates will be sent an invitation to the Teams meeting nearer to the time.

Point of Contact

Rob Pearce

As of April 2024, NHS framework providers are required to seek Carbon Reduction Plans (CRP) from all bidding suppliers when setting up new frameworks, regardless of size or type. A CRP showcases a supplier's commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 across a range of defined scopes and categories.

NOE CPC, through our programme of supplier webinars, has consistently sought to flag and support this requirement and apply it proportionately to new tendering activity.

To further support our awarded and prospective suppliers NOE CPC is delighted to host Crown Commercial Service (CCS) who will run an interactive 60-minute training session for suppliers on creating a CRP as detailed by PPN 06/21

Please find below the key information regarding the session:


  • Purpose: The training sessions aim to help suppliers create a CRP as required by Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/21
  • Target Audience:
    • Both awarded and prospective NOE CPC suppliers
    • Any suppliers planning on bidding for government contracts over £5 million must submit a CRP, demonstrating their commitment to achieving net zero by 2050
    • Any suppliers planning on bidding for NHS framework contracts at any value
    • Any supplier wanting to begin / further their journey to net zero emissions
    • Suppliers of any size or type

Training Details

  • Session Host(s): Nick Drake & Marta Hyder - CCS
  • Cost: Free of charge

Key Components / Questions

  • Interactive: The training is designed to be engaging and interactive, allowing suppliers to ask specific questions about their CRP needs.
  • Critical Parts of CRP: The training breaks down the process of creating a CRP, focusing on the essential components.
  • Support and Clarity: Suppliers receive assistance and clarity in developing their CRP through these sessions.
  • Session: The session will not be recorded

T & C's

This event is for awarded and prospective NOE CPC suppliers. Please register using your organisation email address. Meeting invitations can not be sent to a personal email address.

By registering for this event your name and email address information will be visible to others when the meeting invite is issued, and during the meeting.

Registration for this event will close at 5pm on 1st May.

Timings may be subject to change.

Please view our Privacy Notice to understand how we will manage your data.

To book, register your details below: