Privacy & Cookie Notice (inc Modern Slavery)

North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative – Data Protection Privacy Notice
The North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (“NOE CPC”) is part of Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust are the accountable Data Controller for data processed by the North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative.
Contact addresses are as follows:
Don Valley House
Saville Street East
Sheffield S4 7UQ
Head Office
St Mary’s House, Main House
St Mary’s Road
Leeds LS7 3JX
Data Protection Officer
St Marys House, North Wing
St Martins View
Leeds LS7 3LA
Modern Slavery Policy Statement
NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) is committed to acting ethically, and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls, to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business, or in any of our supply chains. As an NHS organisation we adhere to a robust set of ethical values and policies from our host organisation Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and we use these policies for our commercial, recruitment, and management activities.
To download our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy Statement click here.
If you are a member or contract with NOE CPC
NOE CPC will collect, store and process information relating to the management of your membership or contract with NOE CPC. Your contract with NOE CPC will form the legal basis for this data processing, with the processing of your data essential to the management of your membership and contract with NOE CPC. This will include reporting on the documents you have browsed or downloaded on the NOE CPC website following which we may contact you.
Other contacts
NOE CPC will collect, store and process information relating to the management of your contact with NOE CPC. This will include reporting on the documents you have browsed or downloaded on the NOE CPC website following which we may contact you. Your consent to the processing of information relating to the nature of your contact with us will form the legal basis for this data processing.
Data processed will include personal information relating to appropriate contacts within member organisations and non-member contacts, and will include names, job titles and appropriate work addresses & contact information.
For organisations who contract with NOE CPC as members, or who otherwise contract with us, we will use the information we record to manage your contract with us. This will include reporting on the documents you have browsed or downloaded on the NOE CPC website following which we may contact you. As an NOE CPC service user, either member or non-member, we will share updates and news of NOE CPC frameworks and services we believe will be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive this information please email and let us know.
Your rights and our promises to you
We will not use or share your information further than described above unless required to do so by law.
We will not process your personal data outside the European Economic Area.
We will retain and subsequently securely dispose of your information when no longer required, in accordance with the requirements of the Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care 2016. This will typically be for either the lifetime of any contract plus the observance of additional retention aligned to financial / accounting regulations; or in the case of marketing contacts until you tell us you no longer wish to be contacted.
You have a right to request a copy of any and all the records NOE CPC holds that are about you, which we will provide to you within 30 days of receiving your written request.
Where we process your information on a consent basis for marketing purposes, you have the right to withdraw this consent and to exercise your right to be forgotten at any time you wish by simply letting us know.
We will correct any factual errors within your records.
We will process personal information according to the Data Protection Act (2018), the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and the Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations at all times.
You have a statutory right to raise a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office if you feel we have failed to honour your rights under Data Protection legislation.
Freedom of Information
If you have a request under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) please email: or write to us at the address below.
Freedom of Information
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
1st Floor, North Wing
St Mary’s House
St Martin’s View
West Yorkshire
For more information please visit our Freedom of Information page.