
Get to know me: A 3-minute profile with Rebecca Crooks

  • 21/05/2024
  • Written by NOE CPC

Welcome to the latest installment of our Get to Know me series, where we share a snapshot of new team members at NHS Supply Chain: Facilities and Office Solutions. This month we're introducing Category Procurement Specialist Rebecca Brooks. 

1. What is your role within Supply Chain?

I look after the Medical Healthcare Furniture framework. I previously worked on a different framework at SCCL so I have worked within NHS Supply Chain for four years. I also completed my MCIPS qualification last year so it is interesting to put this into practice within my role.

2. What does your job involve?

My role requires working closely with customers and suppliers to find the most suitable products for their needs to be purchased compliantly via the framework. The overall aim is to deliver savings to the customer whist also growing market share. Medical Healthcare Furniture covers a wide range of products and has a large number of suppliers so there are a variety of different requests which come through on a day to day basis. I have also recently been working on the new strategy to deliver a new framework in 2025.

3. What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy working on large projects with customers to find the products they require and deliver cost savings. I also like to visit suppliers to see their products being made and to see in person the products we have on the framework. There is a lot of variety in my role which is good as it is interesting to work on different projects.


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