
Training and Events: How we stay ahead of new developments

  • 12/06/2024
  • Written by NOE CPC

The public procurement landscape, especially within healthcare, is undergoing a monumental amount of change this year, from the incoming Procurement Act, to the Strategic Framework rolled out by NHS England.

A key part of our offering at NOE CPC is our busy schedule of Training and Events, which always strives to stay ahead of new developments and keep you as informed as possible with industry updates.

Some of the industry changes we will keep you informed of this year are:

  • The new Strategic Framework from NHS England, which aims to bring together the efforts of our colleagues across NHS procurement, leverage collective NHS buying power and provide clear guidance on how to contract with the NHS
  • Cabinet Office Spend Controls
  • The framework host accreditation process
  • The Provider Selection Regime
  • Carbon Reduction Plan and Net Zero Supplier Roadmap
  • Procurement Act 2023, due to commence on 28th October 2024.

All of these will have, or are already having, a massive impact on us and our customers, and we have been working with our partners to provide a comprehensive training programme to bring you up to speed on the latest developments.

Andrew Daly, Partner and Head of Procurement at Hempsons, who are a supplier to our Legal Services framework, will be leading a session for members of NOE CPC and NHS London Procurement Partnership on 10th July. The session will focus on the introduction of the Procurement Act and what it will mean for you on a day-to-day basis. You can find out more, and sign up to the session, here.

And in October, Mary Mundy, Partner at Capsticks LLP, who are another provider on our Legal Services framework, will provide a further procurement update, with details to be confirmed closer to the time. You can sign up for that one here.

Aside from our legal updates, our Training and Events team also work with training providers such as the various regional Skills Development Networks to facilitate and deliver training sessions, both in-person and virtually.

We support the delivery of the HCSA’s training programmes, and various colleagues from NOE CPC have worked with NHS England around initiatives aiming todevelop and support training for NHS procurement professionals nationally.

Our Training and Events team works closely with procurement teams day-to-day, which means they have a hands-on understanding of the changes that are happening across the procurement landscape, and recognise how those changes will impact them and you, our customers. We also speak to our members regularly, whether that’s as part of our ongoing customer relationship programme or through our regular members’ forums, and we endeavour to create training sessions focused on areas in which our customers want to increase their knowledge base.

We have professionals at various stages in their careers attending our training sessions and so we have a flexible approach, so that each session is relevant to the audience.

NOE CPC always has an active calendar of training and events, and we continue to develop new training modules where we believe there is a gap. We strive to benefit our customers' needs by offering a varied range of NHS procurement training sessions on a variety of topics. If you have any training requirements that we can help with, we will welcome a conversation to talk through any potential training sessions that we could provide.

Further Upcoming events

Weightmans Legal Seminar: Sexual Misconduct | 27th June 2024 | Online via MS Teams

NOE CPC Members’ Forum: Leeds | 10th September 2024 | The Studio, Riverside West, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS1 4AW

NOE CPC Sustainability & Social Value (SSV) Supplier Webinar | 2nd October 2024 | Online via MS Teams

An Introduction to Sustainable Procurement in the NHS – Sheffield | 22nd October 2024 | Sheffield S2

DAC Beachcroft Legal Seminar: Collaboration Arrangements and Running Joint Procurements | 7th November 2024 | Online via MS Teams

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