Employee Development Services - 2021 (NOE.0529)

30/06/2021 - 29/06/2025
NOE CPC Reference: NOE.0529
This framework agreement was awarded under The Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).
This free to access framework covers Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Apprenticeships and Functional Skills Training and provides a flexible vehicle to contract. The agreement will open at quarterly intervals for new providers to bid.
If you would like guidance on how to access our frameworks please click here to view our video guide.
NOE CPC have tendered to provide a framework agreement for the provision of Employee Development Services. The framework covers Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Apprenticeships and Functional Skills Training.
The intention is that this framework agreement will provide a flexible vehicle to contract with providers, which will reflect over time the needs of Contracting Authorities. The framework will open at quarterly intervals for new providers to bid.
The framework is split into the following Lots:
- Lot 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
This Lot may also be utilised by Contracting Authorities to identify and contract with providers of coaching and/or mentoring services.
- Lot 2 Apprenticeships
Direct award and further competitions available and allows Contracting Authorities to access Skills Funding Agency approved providers.
- Lot 3 Functional Skills Training
Functional skills apply to diverse careers and industries and are equivalent to GCSEs. They are required qualifications for apprenticeships, and may be required by some NHS staff to progress into employment where these are essential requirements.
- Flexible vehicle to tender and direct award for learning and development services
- Reopens quarterly to give suppliers in the market the opportunity to bid
- Contracting Authorities may reopen the competition to meet their own requirements at any stage
- Allows for a broad range of requirements to be met, including functional skills training to support staff with their career development
- Providers to Lot 2 all meet national standards and are on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers
- Supports Contracting Authorities in accessing apprenticeship funding.
Lot 1: Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Lot 2: Apprenticeships
Lot 3: Functional Skills Training
- A1 Social Care Training Ltd
- Access Skills
- Acis Group Ltd
- Acorn Training
- Ascento
- Aspire Development
- Babington Business College Ltd
- Baltic Apprenticeships
- Barnsley College
- Bespoke Professional Training and Development
- Beyond Consultants Ltd
- BPP Professional Education Ltd
- Bradford College
- B-Skill Limited
- Buttercups Training Ltd
- Calderdale College
- Cambridge Marketing College
- Cambridge Spark
- CIPS Corporate Services Ltd
- Cognition Learning Group
- Complete Tuition Ltd
- Corndel Limited
- CT Skills
- Derby Business College
- De Montfort University
- Derwentside College
- Doncaster College
- Dynamis Enterprises Ltd
- Dynamo Healthcare Training
- Eliesha Training Ltd
- Encompass Consultancy Ltd
- First Intuition Leeds Limited
- Get Set UK
- GI Group Recruitment Ltd
- Ginger Nut Media Ltd
- Health Coaching Academy Ltd
- Hit Training Ltd T/A Connect2care
- Impact Futures
- Integer Training Limited
- ioda Ltd
- Just IT Training Limited
- Keele University
- Learning Curve Group Ltd
- Learning Into Employment Academy Ltd
- Leeds Trinity University
- Let's get Healthy
- Lifetime Training Group Ltd
- Luminate Education Group
- Marr Corporation Ltd
- Medics Academy
- Medipro Limited
- Multiverse
- Panda Education and Training Ltd
- Paragon Skills
- PHX Training LTD
- Pier Technology Limited trading as Pier Training
- Pitman
- Professional Training and Development Ltd
- Prostart Training
- QA Ltd
- Qualitas Consortium
- Realise Learning and Development Ltd
- Sheffield Hallam University
- SR Supply Chain Consultants Ltd
- TEC Partnership
- Teesside University School of Health and Social Care
- The Open University
- The Sheffield College
- The University of Huddersfield
- The University of Sheffield
- Training Now
- Twin Training International Limited
- University of Bradford
- University of Central Lancashire
- University of Cumbria
- University of Derby
- University of Sunderland
- Virtual College
- Wakefield College
- Woodspeen Training
- Workforce Development Trust
- Youngsave Company Limited/Cool Blue College
- Zenith People