Health and Social Care Apps Dynamic Purchasing System

29/11/2019 - 28/11/2025
This Dynamic Purchasing System is delivered by NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) and available to our member organisations via NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC).
If you wish to access this DPS, please complete the NHS LPP Customer Access Agreement (CAA) form located in the fileshare area, and return completed forms to
Please note, you will need to have a registered NOE CPC user account and be logged in to be able to access the fileshare area.
The NHS LPP Health and Social Care Apps DPS provides the public sector with a way to compliantly procure condition-specific apps to meet health and social care needs; supporting patients, clinicians and non-clinical staff.
The adoption of apps has already been proven to reduce GP visits, prevent costly trips to A&E, lower usage of prescription drugs and to help close the population health inequalities, delivering both direct and indirect savings and benefits.
- Aggregation of spend and leverage of the Government’s Treasury requirement to deliver better value for money and improves on cashable savings for the public sector (i.e. NHS).
- Minimises duplication of effort and time taken within the procurement tendering process (for both members and suppliers).
- Establishes strategic relationships with key suppliers to the public sector in order to gain better value for money, to take out excessive cost, improve performance and to align suppliers with the government and public sector organisational (i.e. NHS, local government) priorities.
- The established framework is fully compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations Act of 2015, thereby minimising any potential risk exposure.
- The DPS will be managed and monitored by LPP. In managing this DPS the views and requirements of members will be taken into account when reviewing and developing any future contracting arrangements.
- Improved flexibility to determine the specific requirements at the contract award and call-off order stage.
- Leveraging further economies of scale through aggregation of organisations to run successful joint mini-competitions and avoiding any duplication of effort.
- Members can have the ability to share experience, services, workload and lessons learnt for improvements to support fellow health and social care providers and/or local government authorities.
- Support health and social care providers to meet national requirements and vision across multi-functional services, applications and solutions.
- The DPS agreement can be accessed by the buying authority which includes NHS trusts, foundation trusts, clinical commissioning groups, GP federations and other health and social care providers within the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, as well as local authorities and other third sector organisations. Allow public sector organisations to have more control of local requirements and increase service performance without interference with the core requirements.
The DPS currently offers condition specific apps for:
Category 1 - Child Health
Category 2 – Diabetes & Hormones
Category 3 - Heart/Blood Vessels
Category 4 – Mental Health
Category 5 – Pregnancy
Category 6 – Brain/Nerves
Category 7 – Cancer
Category 8 - Healthy Living
Category 9 – Joints/Bone/Muscle
Category 10 – Medicines and Clinical References
Category 11 – Covid-19 – Support Solutions
Category 12 – Chest/Lung
Category 13 – Blood
Category 14 – Dental
Category 15 – Ear/Nose/Throat/Mouth
Category 16 – Education
Category 17 – Eyes
Category 18 – First Aid
Category 19 – Gastrointestinal
Category 20 – Kidney/Genito-Urinary
Category 21 – Men’s Health
Category 22 – Sexual Health
Category 23 – Skin
Category 24 – Tropical Diseases
Category 25 – Woman’s Health
To view a full list of suppliers awarded under each sub-category of the DPS please visit -
In order to view the full list of suppliers you will be required to register. Once registered you will also be able to access information around running a further competition through the DPS as well as template documentation which you are free to use at your discretion.
To access the documentation please select an app within the sub-category you are interested in then select the procure now badge.
Please note that suppliers can continue to be added on to a DPS throughout its lifetime.
Therefore should there be a supplier that you would like to invite to further competition but are not presently awarded on to the DPS they can apply to join by registering here and completing the online selection questionnaire (SQ).
Upon completion of the SQ a supplier will be accepted within 10 working days*
All apps suppliers wish to supply through the DPS have gone through an ORCHA accreditation process and must maintain an accredited score of 65% or greater.
To find out more around the ORCHA accreditation process please visit -
*Unless a new category where a 30 day notice period is required before evaluation of apps takes place.