Laundry and Linen Services Total Solutions (NOE.0572)

02/05/2023 - 01/05/2027

NOE CPC Reference: NOE.0572

This Framework Agreement was awarded under The Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).

This framework has been established on behalf of NHS Procurement in Partnership (NHS PiP) which is a collaboration of four NHS procurement organisations comprising NHS Commercial Solutions, East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub, NHS London Procurement Partnership, and NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative.

It is available for use by all members across the four NHS collaborative procurement partners. It is also available to other contracting authorities across the NHS and wider UK public sector.

The lead NHS PiP hub and the Contracting Authority responsible for establishing and managing this framework agreement is NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative.

NOE CPC has designed this framework to replace our previous Laundry Solutions framework and cover a wider solution. With the emphasis of working together with our members and other healthcare organisations, the new framework will cover a larger geographical area and reach out to existing and new suppliers, that can cover the requirements for the NHS.

If you would like guidance on how to access our frameworks please click here to view our video guide.

You can utilise the quick and easy benchmarking tool for this framework. Click here for further guidance.

The Laundry and Linen Services Total Solutions framework has some additional features such as the ability to direct award using the benchmarking toolkit. A few ICS/ICB’s are looking to bring services inhouse, which will create a need for consultancy, installation, repairs and maintenance of laundry plant. 

The agreement provides a compliant route to market for NHS organisations and has been divided into the following Lots:

Lot 1 – General Patient Laundry and Linen Service (This will include linen hired from the supplier and owned by the authority)

Lot 2 – CE Marked Barrier Theatre Textiles (This will include garments hired from the supplier and owned by the authority)

Lot 3 – Managed Services (This will include fully managed or pack to ward delivery solutions)

Lot 4 – The Provision of Laundry Consultancy Services

Lot 5 – Installation, Repairs and Maintenance of Commercial Laundry Equipment

Lot 6a – Provision of Commercial Laundry Equipment (includes lease or purchase)

Lot 6b – Provision of Industrial Laundry Equipment (includes lease or purchase)

  • A complete solution that caters for both inhouse and outsourced laundry and linen service models.
  • A broader range of services included from the current offering by NOE CPC in this area and new services, that will cater for coming and future needs:
    • Lot 1 General Patient Laundry and Linen Service (Hired and Trust Owned)
    • Lot 2 CE Marked Barrier Theatre Textiles (Hired and Trust Owned)
    • Lot 3 Managed Services (Services covered in Lot 1 and 2)
    • Lot 4 The Provision of Laundry Consultancy Services
    • Lot 5 Installation, Repairs and Maintenance of Laundry Equipment
    • Lot 6a Provision of Commercial Laundry Equipment (Purchase and Lease)
    • Lot 6b Provision of Industrial Laundry Equipment (Purchase and Lease)
  • Robust mechanism for Benchmarking pricing and being able to Direct Award off the framework.
  • Access to our online Supplier Geo-Tool allowing you to discover which suppliers are active in different ICS regions.  
  • An easy to access framework agreement for use by NOE CPC and PIP members, the wider NHS and healthcare sector as well as other public sector authorities.
  • Supporting documents to assist a further competition.
  • Annual pricing reviews to ensure rates reflect market conditions.
  • A compliant route to market avoiding the need to run a separate Find a Tender service.
  • Reduce the time and cost to procure compliant services.
  • 53% of Suppliers appointed to the framework are new entrants and SMEs.
  • Sustainability and Social value covered as part of the specification.

Lot 1 – General Patient Laundry and Linen Service 

Lot 2 – CE Marked Barrier Theatre Textiles 

Lot 3 – Managed Services 

Lot 4  The Provision of Laundry Consultancy Services

Lot 5 – Installation, Repairs and Maintenance of Commercial Laundry Equipment

Lot 6a – Provision of Commercial Laundry Equipment 

Lot 6b – Provision of Industrial Laundry Equipment 

Blackpool Laundry Co Ltd
Elis UK Ltd
Express Linen Services Ltd
Girbau UK Ltd
Jensen UK Ltd
Kannegiesser UK
LTC & DTC Ltd T/A LTC Worldwide
Northern Care Alliance NHS FT Laundry Services
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
OPL Ltd T/A The OPL Group
Oxwash Ltd
Salisbury Trading Ltd T/A Salisbury Linen Services
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Synergy Health Managed Services Ltd T/A SynergyLMS
Thomas Broadbent & Sons Ltd
Washco Ltd
Weir Laundry Equipment Ltd

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