Non-Emergency Transport and Other Transport Services Dynamic Purchasing System

11/07/2019 - 06/11/2025
This framework agreement is delivered by the London Procurement Partnership (LPP) and available to our member organisations via NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC).
If you wish to access this framework agreement, please complete the LPP Customer Access Agreement (CAA) form located in the fileshare area, and return completed forms to
Please note, you will need to have a registered NOE CPC user account and be logged in to be able to access the fileshare area.
Establishing a DPS with multiple providers will help to create an environment which encourages fair competition, allowing potential providers to join at any time and choose whether to compete for all or any of the requirements for Non-Emergency Transport and Other Transport Services under the DPS for which they are considered suitable.
A DPS was chosen as the most suitable commercial vehicle to encourage new entrants to the market and to create an agile environment to meet the changing requirements of Contracting Authorities.
The structure of this DPS is based on feedback from Contracting Authorities and Suppliers, and affords Contracting Authorities the ability to flexibly deliver Non-emergency Transport and other Transport Services in the way they see fit for their organisation.
Other benefits include:
- Shortened procurement time as advertisement in OJEU and PQQ stage has already been undertaken
- Encourages competition as it is easier for local providers to get on to the DPS and join at any time during its period of validity
- Contracting Authorities can undertake a competition with a group of pre-qualified Tenderers with all qualification documentation held by LPP
- Award of individual tenders can be quicker than under some other procedures. The minimum time limit for return of tenders is 10 days
- Award criteria can be formulated more precisely for specific local contracts, adapting the LPP templates as appropriate
- More accessible for SMEs
The DPS is split into several categories and different regions of supply.
Category 1. Booking and Eligibility Assessment Services
Category 2. Core Patient Transport Services
Category 3. Mental Health and Secure Transport Services
Category 4. High Dependency Transport Services
Category 5. Taxi and Passenger Transport Services
Regions of Supply
Region 1 – North East
Region 2 – North West
Region 3 – Yorkshire
Region 4 – West Midlands
Region 5 – East Midlands
Region 6 – East
Region 7 – London
Region 8 – South East
Region 9 – South Central
Region 10 – South West
Region 11 – Wales
Region 12 – Scotland
Region 13 – Northern Ireland
As the list of qualified suppliers for each category may regularly change, please contact the framework manager for an up to date supplier list.